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Aurum metallicum (the metal gold)
The main idea of this remedy is depression and loathing of life, to the point that people who need Aurum chronically want to commit suicide (by jumping out of a window). They are usually very ambitious people who pressure themselves with the greatest expectations (students who want to be first in their class, business people who "put all of their eggs in one basket" like in the stockmarket). Whenever life does not pan out as they have planned, life has no meaning for them anymore and they become depressed. The same situation can occur when a teenager who is a good student gets depressed because he cannot go to the college of his dreams, due to financial problems in the family. As one can see, this remedy is often related to financial matters, as one would expect from the remedy gold.      

Another situation in which Aurum has great value is when one of the two partners in a longtime marriage dies: the surviving partner feels that life is not worth living anymore. "I have lost the sunshine of my life," they claim and not uncommonly, they die shortly after the death of their partner. So many people in nursing homes could use this remedy as they are often in a state of "abandonment": no more spouse or husband, few friends left in their life, and often few visits from other family members. These people could truly say that the sunshine has gone from their lives. In fact for many traditional cultures the metal gold is associated with the sun.