While this remedy is very useful in many physical illnesses, I want to direct your attention first to its great healing power in what we can all indignation/humiliation situations of physical, emotional, mental, sexual and/or verbal abuse. The repetition of these events creates a climate in which the woman is not able to stand up to her abuser (suppressed anger). Anyone caught in a bad abusive relationship or marriage should be helped by this remedy (but only with the guidance of your homeopathic physician).
Staphysagria should be want to be at immediately after a rape (after Arnica for the physical bruises) to heal the devastating emotional effects. it is also of great effect in "honeymoon cystitis," so-called for its prevalence after increased sexual intercourse (because a woman's body can experience sex as an invasion or trauma, even when it is desired emotionally). Likewise if you have to undergo a cystoscopy (bladder examination) or catheterization, you should take Staphysagria as long as the catheter is in place.
Staphysagria is the #1 remedy for styes, for which it has a quick curing effect. I have used it preventively for mosquito bites. |