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Part Two “How to deal with A74 in the practice!”

Part One dealt with one of the obstructions to many of our cures: life style and diet. But in our modern times, there is even a greater obstacle to health: allopathic drugs, leading to iatrogenic diseases.

In A74, Hahnemann writes,

“Among chronic diseases we must unfortunately include all those widespread illnesses artificially created by allopathic treatments, by the prolonged use of violent, heroic drugs in strong, increasing doses…All these relentlessly weaken the vital force and, if they do not completely exhaust it, progressively untune it, to such an extent that it has to bring about a revolution in the organism to maintain life against these hostile and destructive attacks…”.

A75: “The ruinations of human health brought about by this pernicious allopathic treatment are the most tragic and most incurable of all chronic diseases. I regret to say that when they have gone beyond a certain point it is probably impossible ever to discover or imagine any means of curing them.”

What would Hahnemann say if he returned today? With the very suppressive, sophisticated allopathic measures, for a long time promising “cures,” but now more likely proclaim to “control” (an euphemism for suppression) diseases. Every year more people die from iatrogenic disease (=brought on by the physician and his drugs) than we have from car accidents. Yet this epidemic seems to be accepted by physicians and the public alike. Hahnemann warns us in A75 how this will lead to incurable diseases and you only have to read my new book to see how the main cause of “complex” diseases is allopathic drug use. This suppressive drug use can often be the failure of our homeopathic treatment: after mistuning the VF with these drugs, often the patient is thrown to the homeopath to “prove” homeopathy can work! It IS a miracle that homeopathy still often works as I have seen in practice, but how many cases are lost forever to the healing nature of homeopathic remedies?

How to deal with this? Do we have another recourse to avoid the pitfall of allopathic poisoning? First and utmost, it is a relief and a fact that the simillimum will overcome many of these “hostile and destructive enemies” as Hahnemann calls them. But he calls upon a revolution against these attacks to save the VF from a certain death. It is here that we have to strengthen our troops with whatever Nature has provided us. Even long before I started homeopathy, I always administered supplements and vitamins on a rational basis to my patients. I say on a rational basis because it makes me think of those patients unloading a suitcase full of supplements on my desk…Of course they had no idea why they were taking them. While in no way supplements and vitamins are ever to replace the simillimum for our patients, I have been thinking about situations where a need for well-chosen supplements might arise in order to limit the dangers of A74. I have listed them in this article. There are chronic and acute situations.

Chronic situations

  • As an aid in chronic, incurable diseases, to assist the simillimum bring palliative relief. Numerous are these conditions: all end stages of chronic diseases where the VF struggles to overcome the onslaught of the disease factors (Cancer, auto-immune disorders, M.S., Parkinson, Alzheimer, etc.).
  • With the intake of the chronic simillimum to avoid and/or decrease the intake of allopathic suppressive drugs. We do well to first establish the action of the simillimum and only then to introduce the supplements indicated for the condition as not to get confused with “what does what.” Introduce one change at the time. If patients are already taking supplements, see which ones are truly supporting his condition and replace them if necessary with the ones you chose. Once you know the action of the simillimum, you can introduce the indicated supplements while decreasing the amount of suppressive allopathic drugs (don’t stop them suddenly but gradually!).
  • Cancer treatments: as much as physicians look at cancer as acute and local, homeopaths know this is always a chronic and generalized situation, a combination of at least two active miasms. Supplements might even be needed here before the simillimum as the patient might decide to undergo first radiation and chemotherapy. I would wait with the simillimum at this point (there is no use to introduce two opposite actions to the VF at the same time). Here well chosen supplements can assist the VF and reduce the side effects of allopathic treatments (see also Part One!)
  • Chronic situations with a strong physical symptom: i.e., HTN, stomach ulcer, etc. We know that often our simillimum will work on the M/E plane while the physical plane can exacerbate. There is no problem introducing supplements that affect the high blood pressure before our simillimum has reached the physical plane.

Acute situations

  • See A73: acute situations related to a chronic miamastic state. In other words, appearing symptoms are nothing but exacerbations of a chronic miasmatic state not requiring the intervention of an acute intercurrent (see my new book, Achieving the Simillimum). It is a grave mistake to address the different expressions of this chronic miasm with different remedies as this would be an approach similar to allopathic symptomatic treatment, eventually leading to suppression or creation of complex diseases. Here the introduction of relevant supplements is a big benefit as the patient is helped relieving his discomfort (although the simillimum will work on this too), while the chronic remedy can be administered uninterrupted, truly affecting the miasmatic roots.
  • In A73, we are talking about the necessity of an acute intercurrent in cases of a known causality causing moderate to severe symptoms! When this happens, the clinical picture will change as the chronic situation is suspended while the acute picture comes to the foreground (A38). But the acute situations (everyday occurrences, from a fall to a small sore throat to cough-- that do not change the chronic natural disease) do NOT require an acute intercurrent and supplements could be applied, allowing us to continue our chronic treatment.

I hope this info is informative for anyone treating humans and animals. May it help your patients and yourself and your practice at the same time!