The fees for consultations/first appointment can be paid by cash (USD), cashier’s check, US check or a credit card (MC/Visa), and is due at the time of your consultation. All international patients need to pay by credit card, cash or an international cashier's check--no international personal or business checks will be accepted. Follow-up fees are due at the time of your in-office appointment.
Consultation appointment (first visit): Up to 90 minutes, and the fee is $700. The initial visit always will take place in the office, and there are no exceptions.
- The first visit includes a personal consultation with Dr Luc.
- The initial remedy.
- A first week follow up communication report at day 3 after you take your remedy.
- A 10 day follow up communication report. If you are unable to stabilize after 10-14 days on your remedy—you will be instructed to stop the remedy and wait until the next follow-up appointment.
Please bring in copies of all pertinent information (any diagnostic information you have) from other doctors along so Dr Luc can review it during your consultation.
Follow-ups appointments: up to 30 minutes, and the fee is $150.
- These appointments vary depending on the complexity of the individual case. The first follow-up appointment is generally 3-6 weeks after the first visit. After that the follow-up intervals depend on how well you are doing that with your treatment.
- Two communication reports at day number 3 and 10.
- Any new remedy will be given to you at the time of the appointment.
- We will schedule a follow-up appointment at the time of your consultation.
Required yearly in office visit or if your case needs to be retaken prior to that: up to 60 minutes, and the fee is $350.
- Established patients need a yearly IN-OFFICE visit for their case to be retaken by Dr Luc.
- This is also for patients that need their case to be retaken at length before that time, due to a major life change (hospital, illness, etc) or when Dr Luc feels it is necessary due to the complexity of the case--where he feels it will be beneficial to see you, as your case management cannot be handled through brief communication of e-mail or phone.
Family discounts:
Initial Consult:
Family plan for Initial Consultation with Dr Luc: Adult or child
(first visit up to 90 min) Discount for immediate family only (Mom and/or Dad and children)
- First two people (child or adult) at normal fee: $700 per person
- Third member: 25% off @ $525
- Forth member and all others thereafter: 50% off @ $350
All follow-up visits after the initial consultation:
Family plan for all follow-up visits with Dr Luc for Adult or child
(office or phone up to 30 min) for same immediate family:
- First two people (child or adult) at normal fee: $150 per person
- Third member: 30% off @ $105
- Forth member and all others thereafter: 50% off @ $75
Communication fees that go beyond brief communication of 5 min: longer communication will be billed at $25 per 5 min increments, not to exceed an extra 15 min with any brief follow-up ($75)—if the communication goes past this point, you will be advised to schedule a follow-up appointment
While there is no insurance taken of any kind, services may be covered by your insurance company to a certain extent, as Dr Luc is a licensed MD in the state of CA. It is up to you to research your specific insurance reimbursement policy, as you are responsible for billing your own insurance company for reimbursement. On request, we will give you a specific bill for your insurance company.
Cancellation policy:
Appointments that are canceled 48 hrs in advanced will not be charged a cancellation fee. Appointments canceled less than 24 hrs in advance will be charged 50% of the scheduled fee.